22-23 May 2025
Sanofi Campus Gentilly


Submit your Abstract to give a Scientific Pitch or present your work as a Poster

In order to provide visibility and promote innovation in the field of Cell and Gene Therapies and related to the general theme of ICGT2025, a call is open to submit an abstract for a Pitch (10min with 10 slides maximum) at the Breakthrough Innovations in C&GT Session.

This is a great opportunity for academics, biotechs and start-up companies to share their new work!

All submissions must be non-promotional. Abstracts containing commercial products, technologies or services must provide competitive context, and show no commercial bias.

The ICGT2025 Scientific Committee will review the abstracts for innovative products, technology, approaches and research.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31st March 2025

Submit your abstract by email to: laure.delhon@mabdesign.fr